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Renders a customizable <svg> pointing arrow triangle inside the floating element that gets automatically positioned.

import {FloatingArrow} from '@floating-ui/react';


  • Create an arrowRef and pass it to the arrow middleware’s element option and the <FloatingArrow /> component. This lets the arrow be measured for positioning.
  • Pass the context to the <FloatingArrow /> component. This lets the component read the positioning data.
import {FloatingArrow, arrow} from '@floating-ui/react';
function App() {
  const arrowRef = useRef(null);
  const {refs, floatingStyles, context} = useFloating({
    middleware: [
        element: arrowRef,
  return (
      <div ref={refs.setReference} />
      <div ref={refs.setFloating} style={floatingStyles}>
        <FloatingArrow ref={arrowRef} context={context} />

The arrow will, by default, overlap the reference element. The height of the arrow will offset it by the desired amount.

import {offset} from '@floating-ui/react';
const ARROW_HEIGHT = 7;
const GAP = 2;
  middleware: [offset(ARROW_HEIGHT + GAP)],

This does not take into account tip rounding or strokes.


The arrow accepts all the props of an <svg> element, plus some additional props:

interface Props extends React.SVGAttributes<SVGSVGElement> {
  context: FloatingContext;
  width?: number;
  height?: number;
  tipRadius?: number;
  staticOffset?: number | string | null;
  // Inherited SVG props that are intercepted and passed
  // to the <path>s
  d?: string;
  fill?: string;
  stroke?: string;
  strokeWidth?: number;


<FloatingArrow ref={arrowRef} />



The context object returned from useFloating().

const {context} = useFloating();
<FloatingArrow context={context} />;


default: 14

The width of the arrow.

<FloatingArrow ref={arrowRef} context={context} width={10} />


default: 7

The height of the arrow.

<FloatingArrow ref={arrowRef} context={context} height={10} />


default: 0 (sharp)

The radius (rounding) of the arrow tip.

<FloatingArrow ref={arrowRef} context={context} tipRadius={2} />


default: undefined (use dynamic position)

A static offset override of the arrow from the floating element edge. Often desirable if the floating element is smaller than the reference element along the relevant axis and has an edge alignment ('start'/'end'). This is ignored if the shift() middleware caused the floating element to shift.

  staticOffset={isEdgeAlignedAndSmaller ? '15%' : null}


default: undefined (use dynamic path)

A custom path for the arrow. Useful if you want fancy rounding. The path should be inside a square SVG and placed at the bottom of it. The path is designed for the 'bottom' placement, which will be rotated for other placements.

  d="M0 20C0 20 2.06906 19.9829 5.91817 15.4092C7.49986 13.5236 8.97939 12.3809 10.0002 12.3809C11.0202 12.3809 12.481 13.6451 14.0814 15.5472C17.952 20.1437 20 20 20 20H0Z"


default: "black" (browser default)

The color of the arrow.

<FloatingArrow ref={arrowRef} context={context} fill="red" />


default: "none"

The stroke (border) color of the arrow.

<FloatingArrow ref={arrowRef} context={context} stroke="red" />


default: 0

The stroke (border) width of the arrow. This must match (or be less than) the floating element’s border width.


Tailwind and utility CSS styling

  • fill-* sets the arrow’s fill color.
  • [&>path:first-of-type] targets the “stroke” path.
  • [&>path:last-of-type] targets the “fill” path’s extra stroke, to reduce gaps.

strokeWidth should still be manually specified as a prop.


Scale transforms

When animating the floating element’s scale, it looks best if the floating element’s transform-origin is at the tip of the arrow. The arrow middleware provides data to achieve this.

View on CodeSandbox


Stroke is not visible

Ensure you’ve specified at least a strokeWidth of 1.

A gap is present

  • Styling the top-level <svg> using native CSS properties like fill and stroke directly won’t work correctly. This can happen if you’re styling using styled(FloatingArrow) for example. Instead, use the fill and stroke props, or target the child path elements as shown in Tailwind and utility CSS styling.
  • If a border is applied to an inner element of the floating element, make sure arrow is inside the inner element and that the inner element has position: relative CSS. This ensures the arrow will align with the border correctly.
  • Ensure the strokeWidth of the arrow is the same as the floating element’s border width.
  • The gap may be related to zoom levels in some browsers or the OS. To support transparency and prevent overlapping of colors of the floating and arrow element, this problem cannot be avoided. If your floating element and arrow are not partially transparent and are instead solid colors, you can use the following workaround:
<FloatingArrow style={{ transform: 'translateY(-1px)' }}>

Arrow does not avoid rounded corners

The arrow doesn’t automatically avoid rounded corners of the floating element when it’s shifted. To ensure it doesn’t overflow the corners, you can use the padding prop in the arrow() middleware when calling useFloating() to account for this.